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21+. T&Cs apply.

How to Play

Be quick on the draw in our Mystery Bounty Poker Tournaments!

Saddle up, partner! Get ready to wrangle a winner in our new mystery bounty tournament format, where potential prizes are shooting out at random. Every showdown could lead to a big win by taking down your opponent.

Mosey on over to the signup page and join the action.


  1. Register on Mystery Bounty to play the Initial Stage.
  2. When the tournament reaches a certain point, such as a specific number of players remaining or a percentage of the starting field, the Final Stage begins.
  3. On the Final Stage, upon the elimination of a player, the mystery bounty on that player's head is revealed.
  4. The tournament continues as usual until all bounties are claimed, and one player is left standing and accumulates all the chips.

What about flighted tournaments? Tournament buy-ins operate just like any other tournament.


  1. Register for the tournament during the registration period or late registration.
  2. Play as normal.
  3. Day 1 concludes based on Blind Level or when a certain number of players remain, with all remaining players qualifying for the Final Flighted Phase.
  4. During the Final Flighted Phase, and once the conditions for starting the Mystery Final Stage are met, you’ll be presented with a Prize Draw. Here, where you can preview the bounties available to win during the final stage.
  5. The Mystery Bounty tournament progresses as usual, offering you a rip-roaring experience that can flip on a dime.